Radio Play from Linus Pauling Middle School
It all started with a bird was produced in the KBVR-FM performance studio during the 2009 spring term.
Ms. Sumners humanities class and the group led by Dick Winemen wrote the script and rehearsed their parts at school. I met with them a month ahead of time for a tech read-through in which we made decisions about how we would record and where to use live sound and pre-recorded sound effects.
When the class took a field trip to KBVR we managed to finish the recording in just three hours thanks to the organization and preparation. I had the music and sound effects ready so that the actors could play off of them. In the recording booth with me I had a sound tech running the CDs of SFX and music and a script supervisor making sure we recorded everything we needed.
The kids were a pleasure to work with and very patient through the sound checks and multiple takes. I edited it together in time for the class to hear their production before school let out for the summer and had a blast editing with such good material.
Big props to Maggie for selecting the music!
From Linus Pauling Middle School in Corvallis its:
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