Media Day in the Quad
Student Media took over the brick mall at the MU for Media Day. KBVR-TV had a camera and a Gorilla, the barometer and Prism had some literature, and KBVR-FM brought the funk! We were on the air from the quad for the whole day, we had live DJs doing their shows from 9-5 on our mobile CD mixer, some of them were even brave enough to try the mixers virtual scratching and mixing on their show. This was the first time I was the engineer at the location for a live remote, but with an ear to the radio and my bike at the ready I was also the one watching the broadcast back at the station.
With two of the longest XLRs I could find chained together I coaxed people who passed by into doing Legal IDs and PSAs and did brief interviews with the TV staff and unsuspecting New Media Comm. faculty.
The DJs seemed to enjoy doing their shows outside, although some were a little shy to go on the air the amount that a remote broadcast deserves, and I had a blast walking around with the remote mic. hopefully next term we can do a few more from the center of the quad, while its still sunny enough outside.
Morgan helping a TV staffer read a PSA
KBVR-FM and KBVR-TV Interview the Locals Live producer Dane D. at the same time
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